Searching for a specific school in Dekalb County? Below are 2,585 schools that currently have real estate for sale in Dekalb County and match your search. If you would like more information about one of these schools or if you have a question please give us a call at 404-620-4571. If you are looking for a school in a different city you can use our quick search below.
High Schools in Dekalb County
There are currently 26 high schools serving the Dekalb County area. Below you will find each of the high schools along with the average price of homes for sale in that school area.
There are currently 22 middle schools serving the Dekalb County area. Below you will find each of the middle schools along with the average price of homes for sale in that school area.
There are currently 83 elementary schools serving the Dekalb County area. Below you will find each of the elementary schools along with the average price of homes for sale in that school area.
All school information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. School data is provided by the listing agent of the property and is not controlled by the owner or developer of this website. Any information found here regarding school information should be cross referenced with the local county and state organizations.